Ansichten Weingut Möchhof aus Ürzig, Mosel

vine-growing estate-guesthouse Mönchhof
Ürzig - Mittelmosel

Weingut-Gästehaus Mönchhof in Ürzig - Mittelmosel

Weingut-Gästehaus Mönchhof
Robert Eymael
Moselufer, 54539 Ürzig
Tel. 06532/93164, Fax 931 66
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We cordially welcome you

Your trip to the Mönchhof in Ürzig could be combined with a several days lasting stay in our wine estate.

In the elegantly arranged areas and guest rooms you will enjoy the very special ambience of the Moenchhof.

We offer an event programme to introduce you to our house and the region.

The Moenchhof Vineyards rank among the first-class vineyards in the famous steep rock slopes.

Spend eventful holidays in a wine estate, cultivating an inimitable style of the house and its wine.
For detailed information visit our home page, please.
