Karte Mosel
Info: www.bad-bertrich.de

Hotel Elfenmühle
Pensionen und FeWo


always an experience


Bad Bertrich

Bad Bertrich: Here the whole year is not only bath weather

Bath Bertrich, an idyllic paradise between the Moselle and the maars of the Vulkaneifel situated, off the stamped out paths. Instead of this with the reassuring view to come again on other thoughts and to recover really.

Schloss Bad Bertrich

„ One fears, someone packs this toys bath into a box and carries off it“ does write by his„ Shock-headed Peter“ famous doctor Dr. Hoffmann. These are not only the idyls, but the amusing combination of health and nature, experience and culture which lends his own charm to bath Bertrich.

How numerous findings cover, these were after the Celts the Romans who knew how to catch the spring and to be of use and consecrated the medicinal bath to the gods Apollo and Diana. The spring is to be experienced as a tingling pleasure in the thermal hall and outdoor swimming pool which is fed by this only Glaubersalztherme of Germany with 32°C physical warmth. Integrated in the health resort center and health center the bath offers majority solarium, solar studio, sauna, rest rooms, couch surfaces, massage washbasins, Hot Whirl pool, massage nozzles, flood showers, Batheable and bath boutique. The health resort means bath as well as the leisure hall with all equipment is connected.

Bath Bertrich is at first once a place of the short ways. No long search for palatal joys or nice shops, and the health center with health resort garden and concert forum lies anyhow right in the middle.

And the long ways? If everything lead in the nature and please with a net of 80-kilometer length of strollers and travellers. You are undisturbed with your wanderings all around bath Bertrich in vast mixed forests and coniferous forests. Definitely for every nature lover a dream is the meeting with the muzzle game which feels fine in the wild around bath Bertrich particularly. The purposes of the controlled wanderings are among other things also the maars of the Vulkaneifel and the Moselle.

For more than 2,000 years the bath Bertricher Therme wakes up not only the life minds, but also people with mind. Thus Alexander von Humboldt called bath Bertrich as„ the mild Karl's bath“. Thus Gönner, sponsor and patrons were not missing like the elector Clemens Wenzeslaus of Trier whose splendid Kurfürstliches small castle and picturesque health resort garden from the 18-th century show still today the heart of the bath. Today this small castle is a venue more high grade of classical concerts and music evenings.

The frame of the all-year arrangements stretches over theatrical performances, health resort concerts, Matinee ` see, film evenings, cabaret and dances.

Balloon rides in the hot-air balloon (start in bath Bertrich), fishing in the brook üss, bicycle driving, morning exercises, cones, mini-golf and Boccia, model airfield in the district Kennfus, swimming in the thermal hall and outdoor swimming pool and in Diana-Freibad (heated), chess, dancing, table tennis and tennis on free places and in the hall are offered.

Besides holiday journeys are offered in the closer surroundings, e.g., in the Roman's town of Trier, to Luxembourg, to the maars of the Vulkaneifel, the Laacher lake, the castle Eltz, the Moselle u.a.m.