Steilhang Untermosel, TerrassenmoselenglishTerrassenmosel

Who opens the untermoselle upstream, to that well developed streets on both sides of the river come up from Koblenz to Treis teasels; and also the road does not leave the Moselle shore on this piece. Geographically one recognizes the untermoselle by the fact that here the Rebhänge are the most precipitous. To the wine connoisseur must not be only explained that the precipitous slopes moving near to the strength of the sun signify.

What is called equator effect, is the multiplication of the radiation intensity of the sun. With especially precipitous slopes she corresponds to the positions which are to be found up to 1,000 km farther to the south.

In the center of the association of municipalities the untermoselle, in Kobern-Gondorf, one quotes with pleasure the solar temperatures which admit here an almost Mediterranean animal world and plant world. And solar rites of the Celts were held in the mountain ranges of the untermoselle precisely where the RWE serves, in the meantime, an astonishingly big solar arrangement. The romantic wine places and resorts of the untermoselle carry names full of sound. Dieblich, auks as well as low fur and upper fur, brook Broden and castles adorn the right Moselle shore; on the left hunt port, Löf and Kattenes, to loam, Kobern-Gondorf and Winningen belong to the best known ones.

They all wise historical on, historic architectural monuments and cultural precious objects from 2,000-year history belong to the everyday life of every single place. It is an area to get to know the Moselle especially intensely...



Moselkarte Untermosel