Brauneberger Juffer

Wine position ”Brauneberger Juffer“english
with solar clock and the weather station

The top Riesling of the world-famous positions Juffer and Juffer solar clock contains the Steilhang compared with the place brown mountain. From Thomas Jefferson through Theodor Fontane till English royal family the Brauneberger Juffer is the perfect example for Riesling pleasure at the highest level! The naming of the position„ Juffer“ goes back on the beginnings of the 18-th century.

After the Napoleonic occupying time chamberlain Wunderlich had the biggest possession in this wine position. Three daughters of the chamberlain did not follow the wish to marry of the parents and remained spinsters. Their joy and love dedicated them, instead, to the best wines of her parental vineyard, in the precipitous cliff slopes of the today's ones„ Juffer“ grew.

From frustration about this development the parents called already while still alive these vineyards in support of her single daughters„ Juffer“, to the Moselle Franconian dialect name for spinster. The solar clock in this wine position is the only solar clock which can be moved by summertime on wintertime.

The "fillet piece" of the Brauneberger Juffer are the vineyards around the rocks of the solar clock and the Roman winepress arrangement. Also here a pure south position with gradients up to 80% with the finest Schieferdevon.


Moselkarte mit Gebiet Mittelmosel